
the birth of "Sweaty Sundays"!

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I had somewhat of an epiphany/revelation this morning while experiencing some serious sunday winter grumpies. I always have the best of intentions to stay as "good" as possible on the weekends but I've found the lack of usually weekday structure leaves me in somewhat of a slump of lazy. So my epiphany? Create structure! And thus I'm starting SWEATY SUNDAYS!

I will post a blog every Sunday of a Crossfit style workout using things around my house and just my body weight. Feel free to be inspired and hop on the sweaty train!  Oh and just in case you were wondering... deadlifting your couch doesn't really work...

warm up:
coffee table dips

wod: for time
50 situps
50 high knee tuck and squats
50 situps
50 walking lunge
50 situps
50 burpees
50 situps

It was a tough one! Man... I absolutely HATE burpees! My time for the workout was 20:56

I have a few awesome recipes to post this week so stay tuned crossfit and paleo-ers!

Comment (1)

such a good idea Daisy! I am so going to do this tomorrow

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