
sunday, bloody sunday

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As I was fighting my eyes to stay open on the drive back to Kelowna from Vernon this morning, I was running about a million excuses through my head as to why I couldn't do this week's Sweaty Sunday WOD.

Finally, as we pulled up to our house, I remember that gloomy feeling I feel if I skip out on getting my heart beating hard everyday. Sweaty Sunday it is!

This workout started great, other than me having to continue to tell Fras to stop whining, that he was fine, and to reach full depth in his squats and get off his knees in the push ups. It wasn't until I had nearly completed my first round of the workout that I slipped on my couch jump and somehow managed to literally slice about 4 layers off the entire top of my big toe, well almost entire, the back hung on creating a nice big hat like flap of skin. I'm talking about the whole width of my toe. Then there was the blood. I never realized how much a toe could bleed! Anyways, we stopped the timer, wrapped my toe with a ton of the only crappy bandaids I owned and got back to the workout, modified for me.

Warm up: 21 - 15 - 9
walking lunge
push ups

WOD: AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 handstand push ups (I found an awesome modification here, put I made it harder by going on my feet instead of knees.. until the toe situation at least)
10 coffee table dips
10 burpees
15 couch jumps (just like it sounds)
15 situps

Daisy: 8 rounds + 10 reps
(1 RX'd round, the rest I had to switch to:
10 handstand pushups
10 coffee table dips
10 squats
10 push ups
15 situps)

Fraser: 4 rounds RX'd

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