
sometimes... things get busy


I'm so far behind on a bunch of posts that should be bursting with pictures and recipes. So I'm sorry guys but life is in full force right now. Between all the road trips, visiting, hot springing and generally having a good time I've found it tough to hunker down to my laptop, sip my coffee and update. The hard life.

I will, however, summarize.

I'm addicted to my crockpot. Well it's a borrowed crockpot, and I'm in love with it. There's something so pleasing about throwing some meat, spices, veggies and broth into a big ol' pot and returning 6 hours later for the most amazing meal you've had in a while (or in my case, since the night before.) So I will be posted a couple crockpot recipes in the near future for you all to enjoy.

Recipe Remix: Vol 2 will be posted next Wednesday and it's going to be awesome. We picked a really fun one this time and I can't wait to see what Sarah comes up with.

This past Sweaty Sunday was a really fun one and I wish I had my laptop/internet connection to share it with you. Fraser and I met up with my sister, her boyfriend, my father, his wife and 2 kids at Nukusp Hotsprings for a mini family vacation. We hiked up the trails to the source of the springs. It was a gorgeous moss covered green area surrounded by the Kootenay snow. Aidan (my sisters beau) joined us for the WOD and we did a 21-15-9 style workout incorporating the landscape. Squats, pushups off tree trunks and dips off boulders.

I'm back on the baking train! Recipes to come include: the best paleo cookies ever and valentines dark chocolate coconut balls.

So yeah, I'll try to get some posts up with recipes this weekend.

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