
paleo sushi quest

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Since forgoing my conventional diet of no fat, low protein and only veggies I've been kind of M.I.A. in society. Meals out are very few and far in between, visits to the bar with friends has become an anxiety ridden adventure and time is lost in the kitchen hovering over the stove. The one beautiful thing I rediscovered was sushi.. well, sashimi. Back in the day I used to love yam tempura rolls, edamame, miso soup and fried tofu. Now I stick to tuna/salmon sashimi and gomae and seaweed salad without dressing. Most restaurants will also give you a side of avocado if asked (some more generous than others.)

I do, however, miss the diversity of rolls. So I set out to create a paleo sushi roll. AND IT WORKED! Now in this recipe I used whatever veggies I had lying around plus some tuna we had bought. You can vary it up any way you'd like with different meats, veggies and sauces. Keep in mind that soy sauce is a no-no in the paleo diet because of it's soybean and wheat content. Tamari or Bragg's are gluten free (without the wheat) but still contain soybeans. We used a little bit of Bragg's and considered it a safer cheat (haha)

Another little note.. sashimi grade fish can be hard to come by and more expensive. The fish store we frequent usually has sashimi tuna in stock but not always and never salmon. After we had asked why this was, they told us a little secret. Tuna doesn't contain the same bacteria as salmon and will generally always come sashimi grade. You can make your own sashimi grade salmon by buying fresh salmon and freezing it for 72 hours, defrosting and using. This kills any harmful bacteria that the salmon may contain. You can do the same thing with scallops and shrimp.

Paleo Tuna Roll

300g sashimi grade tuna
seaweed paper
green onion
1/2 avocado
wasabi paste
Bragg's or Tamari Soy Sauce
bamboo sushi roller

Throw the tuna in the freezer for about 20-30 minutes, this will harden the fish enough to be able to slice it into thin strips. Julienne the veggies into thin, long strips. I microwaved the carrot and beet for a minute or so to soften them up before slicing. Puree the avocado with a fork in a bowl, this will work as your "glue"

Place one piece of seaweed paper on the bamboo roller. Take a generous spoonful of the avocado puree and spread over the paper, making sure to reach the far edge. Arrange the veggies and fish along the bottom, about an inch from the edge. Lift the roller and carefully fold the paper over itself, pulling the roller up over the paper. Give it a good squeeze to keep tight before continuing to roll.

Use a serrated knife to cut into desired sized pieces. Serve with wasabi and soy sauce, ENJOY! This made 5 small rolls for us.

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Wha?!?! Where was my invite?? ;)

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