
a post on meeting goals and making new ones


As you're all aware, it's New Years Eve and tomorrow marks the start of a new year. I used to resent the general public's musings of resolutions and better things to come. I thought that it was a way to procrastinate; setting goals for the future rather than right now. I still feel this way, to an extent, but I do find encouragement in the ability to look back over this past year and see where I am and how I got there.

When I started Crossfit in September, Coach Kevin told us to make note of 5 things you want to improve about yourself, not you're physically ability alone but yourself as a whole. I mentally marked down the area's I wanted to improve.

Sense of self

I discovered paleo and began living primally in October and my life took a turn for better than I could ever imagine. I've come a long and way and have even a longer way to go but the increase in quality of life has far bypassed anything I've ever experienced. I've learnt to cherish the body I was given and take care of it with real and good food. I've learnt that I truly am I result of my lifestyle and nourishment. I learnt I need to be the change I want to see and that every moment is an opportunity to make a better decision.

Like I've said, I have a long way to go. There will always be bumps in the road, they teach us how to get over the next one. Without these "bumps" we wouldn't know how great the smooth pavement is.

I encourage everyone to make that mental note of things you want to see yourself achieve. Tuck it away in the back of your head and pull it out every now and then and see how you've improved without the obsession and stress to change.

It's gonna be a great year!

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